Internal Program
Knowledge Sharing : Renewable Energy Development Towards Net Zero Emission

Knowledge Sharing : Renewable Energy Development Towards Net Zero Emission

Friday, April 24, 2022/ “Knowledge Sharing Event” is one of Maxpower Group regular event, and this week come up with a theme Renewable Energy Development Towards Net Zero Emission” by presenting speaker Nasser Iskandar as Business Development Consultant of Maxpower Group and assisted by moderator Bayu Wisnu Aji as Business Development Senior Manager Maxpower Group. This event was held online on Friday, April 24, 2022, at 09.00 – 11.00 WIB.

The future of the energy industry in the current era, prioritizes sustainability and Net Zero Emissions for a greener and more sustainable future for the earth. And now, this movement has been demanded by the world as well as business or industry players who will be the pioneers of it.

Electrical energy is projected to be the largest player in the energy mix other than gas, solar energy, and water (renewable energy). The future with Net Zero Emission will be the main goal for the role of renewable energy.

Therefore, the step forward towards a sustainable future must be done with the cooperation, commitment, and collaboration of all parties. Especially private sector that not only provide added value for business and consumer sustainability, but also promote diversity, inclusion, and positive impact on the communities in which energy companies operate around the world with renewable energy. There needs to be joint collaboration towards significant reductions in carbon emissions through the transition process from carbon-contributing energy to energy that is environmentally friendly, greener and sustainable.

Knowledge Sharing is routinely held by the Human Capital of Maxpower Group team with fun and educational themes!

Jumat, 24 Juni 2022/ Knowledge Sharing kali mengangkat tema “Pembangunan Energi Baru Terbarukan Menuju Net Zero Emission” dengan menghadirkan pembicara Nasser Iskandar selaku Konsultan – Business Development Maxpower Group, dan dibantu oleh Moderator Bayu Wisnu Aji selaku Business Development Senior Manager Maxpower Group. Acara ini diselenggarakan secara daring pada hari Jumat, 24 Juni 2022 pukul 09.00 – 11.00 WIB.

Masa depan industri energi di era saat ini, mengedepankan keberlanjutan (Sustainability) dan Net Zero Emission demi masa depan bumi agar lebih hijau dan lestari. Dan saat ini, Gerakan ini telah dituntut dunia serta pelaku bisnis atau industri yang akan menjadi pelopor dalam Gerakan tersebut.

Energi listrik diproyeksikan akan menjadi pemain terbesar dalam bauran energi selain gas, energi matahari dan air (renewable energy). Masa depan dengan Net Zero Emission akan menjadi tujuan utama bagi peran renewable energy.

Tentunya, langkah maju menuju masa depan yang berkelanjutan itu harus dilakukan dengan kerja sama, komitmen dan kolaborasi semua pihak. Terutama perusahaan-perusahaan swasta yang tidak hanya memberikan nilai lebih bagi keberlanjutan bisnis dan konsumen, tetapi juga mendorong keragaman, inklusi, dan dampak positif bagi masyarakat tempat perusahaan energi beroperasi di seluruh dunia melalui pendayaangunaan energi terbarukan. Perlu ada kolaborasi bersama menuju pengurangan emisi karbon yang signifikan melalui proses transisi dari energi penyumbang karbon menjadi energi yang ramah lingkungan, lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan.

Knowledge Sharing secara rutin diselenggarakan oleh tim Human Capital Maxpower Group dengan tema-tema yang fun dan juga tentu edukatif!