Maxpower Capabilities To Provide LNG to Power Solution

Maxpower Business Scheme

Short-term Power Solutions
♦ Rental type business
♦ Mobile and Flexible
♦ Solution for temporary power
Independent Power Producers
Generates electricity for sale to utilities companies or consumers, operating independently of government-owned utilities
Gas Solution
♦ Gas Pipe
♦ Virtual pipeline concept (LNG To Power & CNG to Power)
Operations and maintenance service
Provide renewable energy solution through a hybrid mix of Gas engine, Solar PV, Biomass, Hydro and Hydrogen
Our Experience Capability
Conventional Generaration
• Generation of electricity and heat individually.
• Low efficiency, high heat loss
• Generation of electricity and heat at the same time.
• Waste heat from power generation is used to generate
steam/hot water for utility.
• High efficiency, low heat loss
• Generation of electricity, heating, and cooling at the same time.
• Waste heat from power generation is used to generate steam/hot water for utility.
• Some part of hot water is used to generate chilled water using absorption chiller
• Highest efficiency, low heat loss
Application of Cogeneration / Trigeneration

Our Capability: O&M and Renewable
- Operation & Maintenance
- Solar Power
- Biogas & Biomass
Maxpower has the capability of Operation & Maintenance for different types of Gas Engine.
Maxpower offer to hybrid the gas engine technology with Rooftop Solar PV
In partnership with technology provider, Maxpower offered power plants::
• Biogas power plant from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)
• Biomass power plant from gasification of biomass
• Waste power plant