Event & Announcement
Batamindo once again entrusts Maxpower Group to deliver reliable electricity through the addition of machines with a total capacity of 30MW

Batamindo once again entrusts Maxpower Group to deliver reliable electricity through the addition of machines with a total capacity of 30MW

Batam, 21 September 2022/ Maxpower Group has been entrust once again to provide reliable electricity supply for Batamindo Industrial Region, Batam, which was documented through signing agreement of additional machines with a total capacity of 30 MW. With the addition of machines with a total install capacity of initially 20 MW to 30 MW, the term of this agreement was extended to 3 (three) years until 2025. Previously, Maxpower had supported electricity in Batamindo area since August 2020, with a power supply of 20MW. This agreement was documented through the signing of addendum contract by Fazil Erwin Alfitri as Chief Executive Officer of Maxpower Group and Gianto Gunara as Vice President Director Batamindo Industrial Park in August 2022, which was then marked by the handover of token of appreciation by Gatot S. Prawiro as Chief Business Development Officer of Maxpower Group to Mook Sooi Wow General Manager Batamindo Industrial Park.

By adding the generating capacity, it indicates that Maxpower is ready to meet the quantity and quality of electric power requirement by the Batamindo industrial area. Hopefully is that this collaboration extension can support the wheels of economic development in the city of Batam, Riau Islands.

Batam, 21 September 2022/ Maxpower Group telah dipercaya kembali untuk memenuhi supply Listrik handal oleh Kawasan Batamindo Industrial, Batam, yang dituangkan dalam penandatanganan perjanjian penambahan mesin dengan total kapasitas 30 MW. Dengan penambahan mesin dengan total install capacity yang awalnya 20MW menjadi 30MW, jangka waktu perjanjian Kerjasama inipun diperpanjang menjadi 3 (tiga) tahun hingga tahun 2025. Sebelumnya Maxpower telah mendukung kelistrikan di Kawasan Batamindo sejak Agustus 2020, dengan supply listrik sebesar 20MW.  Perjanjian ini ditandai dengan penandatangan kontrak addendum oleh Fazil Erwin Alfitri selaku Chief Executive Officer Maxpower Group dan Gianto Gunara selaku Wakil Presiden Direktur Batamindo Industrial Park pada bulan Agustus 2022, yang kemudian ditandai dengan pemberian piagam penghargaan oleh Gatot S. Prawiro selaku Chief Business Development Officer Maxpower Group kepada Mook Sooi Wah General Manager Batamindo Industrial Park.

Dengan adanya kerjasama dalam penambahan kapasitas pembangkit tersebut menandakan bahwa Maxpower siap memenuhi kuantitas dan kualitas tenaga listrik yang dibutuhkan oleh Kawasan Industri Batamindo. Harapannya dengan perpanjangan kerjasama di bidang kelistrikan ini Maxpower dapat ikut serta mendukung roda pertumbuhan perekonomian kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau.