Event & Announcement

Maxpower Indonesia Emphasizes Importance of Anti-Bribery Compliance at KAKI-APINDO Members Gathering
[Jakarta, June 28, 2024] – PT Maxpower Indonesia, a leading energy solutions provider in Indonesia, once again demonstrated it’s commitment to creating a clean and transparent business environment. This time, Maxpower participated in the Members Gathering event organized by the Koalisi Anti Korupsi Indonesia (KAKI) in collaboration with the Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO), held on June 25, 2024, at the Ruang Rapat Serbaguna DPN APINDO, South Jakarta. The event, titled “Protecting Businesses from Bribery and Corruption“, aimed to raise awareness among business actors about the importance of complying with anti-bribery regulations in Indonesia.
At the event, speakers including Andi Ilham Said (Head of the KAKI Task Force), Christina Desy (AVP Premium Content HukumOnline), and Deden Kurniawan (Head of Legal, Corporate Communication, and Compliance at PT Maxpower Indonesia) discussed in depth the changes in regulations related to corruption, especially after the amendment to the Criminal Code in 2023.
Deden Kurniawan, as Head of Legal, Corporate Communication, and Compliance at PT Maxpower Indonesia, presented in-depth views on the impact of anti-corruption laws on businesses. Deden emphasized that bribery not only harms a company financially but can also damage its reputation and hinder business growth. “Changes to the Criminal Code in 2023 have increased the risk for companies that do not have effective corruption prevention systems,” said Deden. “Maxpower is committed to implementing clean and transparent business practices and complying with all applicable regulations.”
The event also highlighted the importance of complying with Supreme Court Regulation Number 13 of 2016 concerning the Handling of Corruption Crimes. This regulation governs corporate criminal liability and provides a legal basis for law enforcement against companies involved in corruption crimes.
The 2023 Criminal Code amendment was also a major topic of discussion. This amendment expands the definition of corruption and imposes stricter penalties on perpetrators, both individuals and corporations.
The Members Gathering sent a clear message to business actors about the importance of building strong anti-bribery systems within their companies. With an effective system, companies can prevent corruption, protect their reputation, and create a healthy business environment.
Maxpower’s presence at the event demonstrated the company’s commitment to being part of the solution in combating corruption in Indonesia. Maxpower is not only active in implementing good business practices but also sharing knowledge and experiences with other companies.