Event & Announcement
Maxpower Achievements in 2020 National K3 Month (by PLN Tarakan)

Maxpower Achievements in 2020 National K3 Month (by PLN Tarakan)

February 2020 / Maxpower Group won several awards in the celebration of the 2020 National K3 Month organized by PLN Group Tarakan with theme “Optimizing the Independence of a Community with Occupational Safety and Health Cultures (K3) in the Information Technology-Based Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era”. This event is held so that K3 is always used as the main thing that must be considered and its presence is needed for employees in all work areas.

In this event, Maxpower Group won several awards :

  1. 2nd Winner of Ranking Competition 1
  2. 2nd place in the K3 Quiz Competition, won by Andri Akbar


Maxpower Group prioritizes the implementation of Health, Safety, Environmental, Social and Security standards both in all site-plant areas, as well as in the Head Office. This is a priority to prevent and reduce the occurrence of accidents or occupational diseases and to ensure that workers and other people who are in the workplace receive protection for their safety every day.

Maxpower Group management is committed to ensuring that every workforce and other people who are in the workplace receive protection for their safety.

Februari 2020/ Maxpower Group meraih beberapa penghargaan dalam acara perayaan Bulan K3 Nasional tahun 2020 yang diselenggarakan oleh PLN Group Tarakan dengan tema “Optimalisasi Kemandirian Masyarakat Berbudaya Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) pada Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Berbasis Teknologi Informasi”. Acara ini diselenggarakan agar K3 selalu dijadikan sebagai hal utama yang harus diperhatikan dan kehadirannya dibutuhkan bagi karyawan di seluruh area kerja.

Dalam acara ini, Maxpower Group berhasil meraih beberapa penghargaan, yaitu :

  1. 2nd Winner Lomba Ranking 1
  2. Juara Ke-2 Lomba Cerdas Cermat K3 yang diraih oleh Andri Akbar


Maxpower Group memprioritaskan penerapan standar Kesehatan, Keselamatan, Lingkungan, Sosial dan Keamanan baik di seluruh site-plant area, dan juga Head Office. Hal ini menjadi suatu prioritas agar mencegah dan mengurangi terjadinya kecelakaan atau penyakit akibat kerja serta menjamin tenaga kerja serta orang lain yang berada di tempat kerja mendapat perlindungan atas keselamatannya.

Manajemen Maxpower Group berkomitmen untuk menjamin setiap tenaga kerja dan orang lain yang berada di tempat kerja mendapat perlindungan atas keselamatannya.