Knowledge Sharing : Merger & Acquisition
Friday, 11 September 2020 / Knowledge Sharing # 6 this time is held differently & special! Because in this 6th (sixth) session, Corporate Planning & Business Development of Maxpower Group team will specifically discuss the theme of “Mergers & Acquisitions”. With 3 (three) speakers who have expertise in their respective fields, Nicky Ilham Lembayu (Head of Corporate Planning & Business Development Team), Bayu Wisnu Aji (Business Development Senior Manager), & Agus Bahtiar Yusuf (Business Development General Manager), examines one by one the merger & acquisition process of a company, especially a power plant.
In this session the material provided was in the form of a case study, therefore the number of participants was limited so that participants could focus more and be able to directly ask the speakers. The speakers explained the knowledge about the merger & acquisition process at the power plant company, as well as its relation to the departments involved in the process. This process of course also involves all departments, including: Legal, Finance & Accounting, Project Development, Active Contract Management, so this is important to be known & understood by every line in the company.
Knowledge Sharing is regularly held by the Human Capital Department of Maxpower Group every once a week with fun and educational themes!
Jumat, 11 September 2020/ Knowledge Sharing #6 kali ini diselenggarakan berbeda & special! Karena di sesi yang ke 6 (enam) ini, secara khusus tim Corporate Planning & Business Development Maxpower Group akan membahas mengenai tema Merger & Acquisition. Dengan 3 (tiga) pembicara yang memiliki keahlian di bidangnya masing-masing, yaitu Nicky Ilham Lembayu (Head of Corporate Planning & Tim Business Development), Bayu Wisnu Aji (Business Development Senior Manager), & Agus Bahtiar Yusuf (Business Development General Manager), mengupas satu-persatu mengenai proses merger & acquisition suatu perusahaan khususnya pembangkit listrik.
Pada sesi ini materi yang diberikan berupa case study, maka dari itu jumlah peserta pun dibatasi agar partisipan dapat lebih fokus dan dapat secara langsung bertanya kepada para pembicara. Pengetahuan-pengetahuan mengenai proses merger & acquisition pada perusahaan pembangkit listrik, serta kaitannya dengan departemen-departemen yang terkait pada proses tersebut pun dijabarkan oleh pembicara. Proses ini tentunya juga melibatkan seluruh departemen, antara lain : Legal, Finance & Accounting, Project Development, Active Contract Management, sehingga hal ini penting untuk diketahui & dipahami oleh setiap lini di perusahaan.
Knowledge Sharing secara rutin diselenggarakan oleh tim Human Capital Maxpower Group setiap 1 (satu) minggu sekali dengan tema-tema yang fun dan juga tentu edukatif!