Event & Announcement
The Future of Renewable Energy in 2021 Public Webinar Event

The Future of Renewable Energy in 2021 Public Webinar Event

Tuesday, 15 December 2020 / Corporate Communications Maxpower Group held an Inspirational Sharing Talk public webinar event this year with theme The Future of Renewable Energy in 2021: The predictions and potential of Renewable Energy in Indonesia in 2021. After the world economic growth dropped dramatically due to the pandemic. This event is held on Tuesday, 15 December 2020 at 14.00 – 16.00 using the Microsoft Teams Video Meeting application.

The speakers in this event are :

Handry Satriago (Chief Executive Officer of GE Indonesia)

Gatot S. Prawiro (Chief Business Development Officer of Maxpower Group)

Arka W. Wiriadjaja (Director of Market Development GE International Market)


With a moderator, Bayu Wisnu Aji as, Business Development Senior Manager of Maxpower Group. More than 150 participants both from internal and external Maxpower Group were invited to this event.

This event was held with the aim of sharing insightful knowledge about the potential of renewable energy & other low-carbon technologies that can encourage and create new jobs and restore the economy to build back better after COVID-19.

Furthermore, the speakers explained that the potential for renewable energy in Indonesia is very large, because it is supported by a high government target of 23% for renewable energy from the energy mix, or the energy mix in 2025. Coupled with current technological advances, GE has been able to increase the use of technology to be able to apply renewable energy in Indonesia.

So, in terms of technology, it is very capable to develop better renewable energy. However, there are still obstacles to its development in Indonesia, in terms of “policies or regulations”. With a government regulation that will be issued soon regarding renewable energy, it will certainly increase the interest of investors.


Many investors in Indonesia are ready to develop renewable energy, but it seems that they are still waiting for the issuance of this policy, which can support the increased use of renewable energy in Indonesia.

Selasa, 15 Desember 2020/ Corporate Communications Maxpower Group menyelenggarakan Inspirational Sharing Talk yang merupakan public webinar event ke 2 (dua) tahun ini dengan tema  The Future of Renewable Energy in 2021 : The predictions and potential of Renewable Energy in Indonesia in 2021. After the world economic growth dropped dramatically due to the pandemic. Acara ini diselenggarakan pada hari selasa, 15 Desember 2020 pukul 14.00 – 16.00 dengan menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft teams video meeting.

Dalam acara ini hadir 3 (tiga) orang pembicara, yaitu :

Handry Satriago (Chief Executive Officer GE Indonesia)

Gatot S. Prawiro (Chief Business Development Officer Maxpower Group)

Arka W. Wiriadjaja (Director of Market Development GE International Market)


Dengan peserta kurang lebih 150 orang baik dari internal Maxpower Group & eskternal yang merupakan tamu undangan, acara ini dipandu oleh seorang moderator, yaitu Bayu Wisnu Aji selaku, Business Development Senior Manager Maxpower Group.

Acara ini diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk membagikan insightful knowledge tentang potensi dari renewable energy & teknologi rendah karbon lainnya yang dapat mendorong dan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru serta memulihkan ekonomi dalam upaya untuk membangun kembali lebih baik pasca COVID-19.

Lebih lanjut para pembicara menjelaskan bahwa renewable energy di Indonesia potensinya sangat besar, karena didukung oleh target pemertintah yang cukup tinggi yaitu 23% untuk renewable energy dari energy mix, atau bauran energy di tahun 2025. Ditambah lagi dengan kemajuan teknologi saat ini, GE sudah dapat meningkatkan penggunaan teknologinya untuk dapat mengaplikasikan renewable energy di Indonesia.

Jadi dari segi teknologi, sudah sangat mumpuni untuk dikembangkannya renewable energy yang lebih baik. Namun, memang masih ada kendala untuk pengembangannya di Indonesia yaitu dari sisi policy atau regulasinya. Dengan peraturan presiden yang akan di keluarkan segera mengenai renewable energy, tentunya akan meningkatkan minat para investor.


Investor sendiri banyak di Indonesia yang sudah siap untuk mengembangkan renewable energy tetapi sepertinya masih menunggu keluarnya policy tersebut, yang secara keselurahan dapat mendukung untuk meningkatkannya penggunaan renewable energy di Indonesia.