Event & Announcement
Head of HSESS Maxpower Group, Gregorius Aryo Indradi participated as a speaker at Indonesia Infrastructure Finance Webinar Series with Bisnis Indonesia

Head of HSESS Maxpower Group, Gregorius Aryo Indradi participated as a speaker at Indonesia Infrastructure Finance Webinar Series with Bisnis Indonesia

Thursday, February 25, 2021 / Head of HSESS Maxpower Group, Gregorius Aryo Indradi participated as a speaker at Indonesia Infrastructure Finance Webinar Series with Bisnis Indonesia organized by Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) & Bisnis Indonesia with theme “ASSOCIATED ROLE IN SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA”. This event is held virtually using the Zoom application on Thursday, February 25, 2021.

Gregorius Aryo Indradi, presenting “The Implementation of Social & Environment Management System”, which is further explained about the social and environmental management system that has been implemented by Maxpower Group through management policies, the achievement of ISO migration in 2020 and also good application of the communication channel mechanism. With the implementation of this social and environmental management system, compliance with regulations and periodic reporting to the government, especially during the pandemic, continues to run well. Maxpower Group also continues to pay attention to workers’ conditions as well as working conditions, so that so far no complaints have been reported – internally.

In addition, the implementation of pollution prevention, reduction and climate change through waste management activities is carried out by certified and registered waste management providers. Their registration and certification is directly monitored by the Ministry of Environment.

It is hoped that the participation of Maxpower team in this event can help all parties in the development of sustainable infrastructure in Indonesia while still paying attention to social and environmental health and safety.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2021/ Head of HSESS Maxpower Group, Gregorius Aryo Indradi berpartisipasi sebagai pembicara dalam Indonesia Infrastructure Finance Webinar Series with Bisnis Indonesia yang diselenggarakan oleh Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) & Bisnis Indonesia dengan tema “PERAN SERTA IIF DALAM PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR BERKELANJUTAN DI INDONESIA”. Acara ini diselenggarakan secara virtual menggunakan aplikasi Zoom pada hari kamis, 25 Februari 2021.

Dalam judul materi yang dibawakan oleh Gregorius Aryo Indradi, yaitu “The Implementation of Social & Environment Management System” dijelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai sistem manajemen sosial dan lingkungan yang telah diterapkan oleh Maxpower Group melalui kebijakan-kebijakan manajemen, pencapaian migrasi ISO di tahun 2020 dan juga penerapan mekanisme communication channel dengan baik. Dengan penerapan sistem manajemen sosial dan lingkungan tersebut, kepatuhan terhadap peraturan dan pelaporan kepada pemerintah secara berkala terutama selama pandemi terus berjalan dengan baik. Maxpower Group juga terus memperhatikan kondisi para pekerja dan juga kondisi kerja, sehingga sejauh ini tidak ada keluhan yang dilaporkan – secara internal.

Selain itu, implementasi terhadap pencegahan polusi, pengurangan dan perubahan iklim melalui kegiatan penanganan pengelolaan sampah dilakukan oleh provider pengelolaan sampah yang bersertifikat dan terdaftar. Pendaftaran dan sertifikasi mereka dipantau langsung oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup.

Diharapkan dengan turut berpartisipasinya tim Maxpower dalam acara ini dapat membantu seluruh pihak dalam pembangunan infrakstruktur bekerlanjutan di Indonesia dengan tetap memperhatikan Kesehatan dan keselamatan sosial dan lingkungan.