Event & Announcement
Maxpower Group & Navigat Energy Indonesia at The 76th National Electricity Day 2021 Digital Festive

Maxpower Group & Navigat Energy Indonesia at The 76th National Electricity Day 2021 Digital Festive

Wednesday, 29 September 2021/ Maxpower Group & Navigat Energy Indonesia (NEI) participated in The 76th National Electricity Day 2021 Digital Festive organized by Enlit Asia, supported by PLN & the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), and in collaboration with the Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia (MKI) community. This event took place for 2 days from 28 – 29 September 2021, with the theme “The Emerge of the National Electricity in Support of Clean Energy Policy; to support the energy transition policy towards national electricity Net Zero emission.”.

This event was attended from various international and domestic institutions including researchers, industry practitioners, government officials and academia to discuss the latest issues, mainly on adapting digital technology and clean energy in electrical power in the cyber-based era.

This event was held with the aim of continuing to support the electricity industry and updating the latest technology and regulations in the electricity industry, where we are experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic and has caused a regressing economic growth and thus impacted the electrical power industry investment. In addition, it is also hoped that this event can become a forum for mutual promotion of effective networks, exchanging beneficial information, knowledge, and experiences between fellow Indonesian electricity entrepreneurs. Then also as an event to open up business opportunities or create new breakthroughs that can benefit the country and the nation.

In this event, CEO of Maxpower Group, Fazil Erwin Alfitri also participated as panel speaker with theme “Natural Gas for power generation in Supporting the Energy transition Framework”. This session is held in a virtual format with the hope that it will continue to be effective and keep maintain health protocols.

The hope of Maxpower Group & NEI by participating in this event is to be able to support the electricity industry and its efforts to increase energy efficiency and develop clean energy towards national electricity “Net-Zero Emission”.

Rabu, 29 September 2021/ Maxpower Group & Navigat Energy Indonesia (NEI) berpartisipasi dalam acara The 76th National Electricity Day 2021 Digital Festive yang diselenggarakan oleh Enlit Asia, didukung oleh PLN & Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), dan bekerja sama dengan komunitas Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia (MKI). Digital Festive ini berlangsung selama 2 hari dari tanggal 28 – 29 September 2021, dan mengambil tema “The Emerge of the National Electricity in Support of Clean Energy Policy; to support the energy transition policy towards national electricity Net Zero emission.”

Acara ini dihadiri oleh beragam peserta dari berbagai lembaga internasional dan domestik termasuk peneliti, praktisi industri, pejabat pemerintah dan akademisi untuk membahas isu-isu terbaru terutama tentang adaptasi digital teknologi dan energi bersih dalam ketenagalistrikan di era berbasis cyber.

Acara ini diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk terus mendukung industri ketenagalistrikan dan memperbarui teknologi serta peraturan terbaru di industri Ketenagalistrikan, dimana saat ini pandemi telah menyebabkan perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi sehingga berdampak pada investasi industri ketenagalistrikan. Selain itu diharapkan juga acara ini dapat berfungsi sebagai wadah untuk saling mempromosikan jaringan yang efektif, bertukar informasi, pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang menguntungkan antara sesame pengusaha ketenagalistrikan Indonesia. Kemudian juga sebagai ajang untuk membuka kesempatan bisnis atau menciptakan terobosan-terobosan baru yang dapat bermanfaat bagi nusa dan bangsa.

Dalam acara ini, CEO Maxpower Group, Fazil Erwin Alfitri juga turut berpartisipasi menjadi pengisi acara sebagai salah satu pembicara panel dengan tema “Natural Gas for power generation in Supporting the Energy transition Framework”. Sesi ini diselenggarakan dalam format virtual dengan harapan tetap berjalan efektif dan tetap menjaga protokoler kesehatan.

Harapan Maxpower Group & NEI dengan mengikuti event ini adalah untuk dapat mendukung industri Ketenagalistrikan serta upayanya untuk membangkitkan peningkatan efisiensi energi dan pengembangan energi bersih dan juga menuju Listrik nasional “Net-Zero Emission”.