Internal Program


Friday, October 8, 2021/ Project Development & Operations team of Maxpower Group had the opportunity to learn in Knowledge Sharing session with theme “SAFER, GREENER, MORE RELIABLE TRANSFORMERS IN INDONESIA”, which presented by Budi Wicaksono, as Application Engineer for Asia Pacific, as the MIDEL Application Engineer. MIDEL is a specialist global supplier of synthetic and natural ester transformer fluids. This internal session held online or virtual on Friday, October 8, 2021, at 09.00 – 11.00 WIB.

The use of natural synthetic ester fluids is known for their excellent fire safety and environmental protection properties, as well as their ability to extend the life of cellulose insulation transformers. This technology, both operationally and in installation, can reduce the risk of damage to life, property, and the environment.

The purpose of this event is to share some new insights to Maxpower Group Project Development, Business Development & Operations team regarding Oil Transformer vegetable technology with various benefits offered. The hope is to be able to provide information and insight into the use of Oil Transformer technology which is currently available. In addition, by learning about this technology, it is hoped that it can support and implement power plant efficiency programs, to support the fulfilment of national electrical energy needs.

Jumat, 8 Oktober 2021/ Tim Project Development & Operations Maxpower Group mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar dalam sesi Knowledge Sharing dengan tema “SAFER, GREENER, MORE RELIABLE TRANSFORMERS IN INDONESIA”, yang menghadirkan narasumber Budi Wicaksono, selaku Application Engineer MIDEL untuk Asia Pasifik. MIDEL sendiri adalah spesialis pemasok global untuk synthetic and natural ester transformer fluid. Sesi internal ini dilaksanakan secara daring atau virtual pada hari Jumat, tanggal 8 Oktober 2021, pukul 09.00 – 11.00 WIB.

Penggunaan natural synthetic ester fluids sudah diakui untuk excellent fire safety dan environmental protection properties, serta kemampuan mereka untuk memperpanjang umur transformator isolasi selulosa. Teknologi ini, baik secara operational dan instalasi dapat mengurangi risiko kerusakan jiwa, harta benda, dan lingkungan.


Tujuan dari diselenggarakannya Knowledge Sharing ini adalah untuk dapat memberikan insight baru kepada tim Project Development, Business Development & Operations Maxpower Group mengenai teknologi nabati Oil Transformer dengan berbagai macam manfaat yang ditawarkan. Dengan harapan, untuk dapat memberikan informasi serta wawasan terhadap  pemanfaatan teknologi Oil Transformer selain yang sudah ada saat ini. Selain itu dengan mempelajari mengenai teknologi ini, diharapkan dapat mendukung dan menerapkan program efisiensi power plant, dalam usaha mendukung pemenuhan kebutuhan energi listrik nasional.