Knowledge Sharing : Brownfield Project

Wednesday, January 29, 2022/ “Knowledge Sharing Event” is one of Maxpower Group regular event, and this week come up with a theme “Brownfield Project” by presenting speaker Chairul Fikri as Project Process & Technical Solution Deputy General Manager of Maxpower Group and assisted by moderator Stefanie Gusti as Business Solution Support Officer of Maxpower Group. This event was held online on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 09.00 AM.
Chairul has experience as a Project Development/PM Practitioner specifically for Brownfield and Greenfield Projects and has various fields of project management globally. At the beginning of this session, Chairul explained in advance about the definition and differences between brownfield & greenfield investment also the challenges faced by each of these projects.
The greenfield project refers to a new project area that hasn’t yet been built. While the Brownfield project refers to an area that already has facilities/infrastructure. Then, he explained in advance about the brownfield project and what to do in handling this project, such as setting targets, identifying stakeholders, and also how to create an appropriate team.
Knowledge Sharing is routinely held by the Human Capital of Maxpower Group team with fun and educational themes!
Rabu, 29 Januari 2022/ Knowledge Sharing kali mengangkat tema “Brownfield Project” dengan menghadirkan pembicara Chairul Fikri selaku Project Process & Technical Solution Deputy General Manager Maxpower Group, dan dibantu oleh Moderator Stefanie Gusti selaku Business Solution Support Officer Maxpower Group. Acara ini diselenggarakan secara daring pada hari Rabu, 26 Januari 2022 pukul 09.00.
Chairul sendiri memiliki pengalaman sebagai Project Development/ PM Practitioner khusus untuk Brownfield and Greenfield Projects serta memiliki berbagai sertifikasi di bidang project management secara global. Pada awal sesi ini Chairul menjelaskan terlebih dahulu mengenai definisi dan perbedaan brownfield & greenfield investment serta tantangan-tantangan apa saja yang dihadapi pada masing-masing project ini.
Greenfield project sendiri merujuk pada kawasan projek baru yang masih belum dibangun. Sedangkan pada Brownfield project merujuk pada suatu kawasan yang sudah memiliki fasilitas/ infrastruktur. Selanjutnya ia menjelaskan secara lebih rinci mengenai brownfield project dan apa yang harus dilakukan, antara lain seperti menentukan target, mengindentifikasi stakeholders, serta membuat tim yang sesuai.
Knowledge Sharing secara rutin diselenggarakan oleh tim Human Capital Maxpower Group dengan tema-tema yang fun dan juga tentu edukatif!