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Increasing Alertness, Maxpower Cogindo Batam Holds Training and Simulation for Emergency & Fire Drill at Baloi 30 MW Gas Power Plant, Batam.

Increasing Alertness, Maxpower Cogindo Batam Holds Training and Simulation for Emergency & Fire Drill at Baloi 30 MW Gas Power Plant, Batam.

Batam, December 8th, 2022/ Maxpower Cogindo Batam (MCB) in collaboration with Batam City Fire Department held training on emergency and fire drills at Baloi 30 MW Gas-Power-Plant owned by MCB. This training was held starting at 09.00 WIB on the second floor of Maxpower Cogindo Batam Office, then continued until 14.00 WIB in the area around the site.

This simulation aims are for the entire MCB team could always be alert, stay calm and not panic if at any time an emergency or a real fire occurs. The hope is that all MCB employees and staff can apply mitigation actions when faced with an emergency and can use extinguishers safely and appropriately.

Batam, 8 Desember 2022/ Maxpower Cogindo Batam (MCB) bekerja sama dengan Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran kota Batam menggelar pelatihan penanganan keadaan darurat (Emergency drill) serta pemadaman kebakaran (fire drill) di PLTMG Baloi 30 MW milik MCB. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan mulai pukul 09.00 WIB di Lantai II Gedung Office PT. Maxpower Cogindo Batam, kemudian dilanjutkan sampai dengan pukul 14.00 WIB di area di sekitar site.

Kegiatan ini merupakan sebuah simulasi yang bertujuan agar seluruh tim MCB dapat selalu siaga, waspada, dan tidak panik jika sewaktu-waktu terjadi keadaan darurat atau kebakaran sesungguhnya. Harapannya adalah agar seluruh karyawan dan staff MCB dapat menerapkan langkah mitigasi apabila dihadapkan pada keadaan darurat, serta dapat menggunakan alat pemadam apabila terjadi kebakaran dengan aman dan tepat.

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