Event & Announcement
Authorized Distributorship Agreement (Mitsubishi Gas Generator (MGS-G)) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia Pte. Ltd with PT. Navigat Energy Indonesia & Navigat Energy Pte. Ltd

Authorized Distributorship Agreement (Mitsubishi Gas Generator (MGS-G)) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia Pte. Ltd with PT. Navigat Energy Indonesia & Navigat Energy Pte. Ltd

Jakarta, December 15th, 2022, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia Pte. Ltd. (MHIESA) and PT Navigat Energy Indonesia announce the appointment of authorized distributor of the Mitsubishi Gas Generator (MGS-G) products in Indonesia, Singapore, and Oceania. The signed agreement between PT Navigat Energy Indonesia and Navigat Energy Pte. Ltd. (Navigat Energy) with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia Pte. Ltd (MHIESA) was effective from 1st December 2022.

MHIESA was established in Singapore since 1981 and is a part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group. MHI Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. Through its commitment to the development of technology and engineering, MHI Group delivers numerous products including diesel and gas engine products to the world. By supplying Mitsubishi Generator Series “MGS” generator sets world-wide, MHIESA provides resources with fundamental infrastructure committed to earning the trust of their customers and offers a reliable portfolio. Working closely with their broad network and reliable partners, MHIESA combines cutting-edge technology with profound experiences to create outstanding products and practical solutions.

Navigat Energy is a leading gas-to-power service company in Southeast Asia that conduct design, installation, operation, and maintenance of gas engine power plants in various industries, both private and government throughout and outside Indonesia, as well as other Southeast Asian market and its periphery. As a subsidiary of Maxpower Group, Navigat Energy deliver clean, efficient, and affordable power to remote areas the under supplied area in Indonesia. Navigat Energy has been serving the region since 2003, providing installation, maintenance, and after-sales services for gas engines with a total installed capacity of more than 1,000 MW.

Through this collaboration, MHIESA and Navigat Energy will develop the marketing of Mitsubishi Gas Genset products with their competitive advantages. The marketing of this Mitsubishi Gas Genset product will target several strategic industries such as industrial areas, data centers, biogas, mining, and others. To ensure the continued operation of this gas engine, Navigat Energy and MHIESA are committed to the after-sales service and spare parts sales.

Jakarta, 15 Desember 2022, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia Pte. Ltd (MHIESA) dan PT Navigat Energy Indonesia mengumumkan penunjukan distributor resmi dari produk Mitsubishi Gas Generator di Indonesia, Singapore and Oceania. Penandatanganan perjanjian ini dilakukan antara PT Navigat Energy Indonesia dan Navigat Energy Pte. Ltd. (Navigat Energy) dengan Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia Pte. Ltd (MHIESA) terhitung efektif sejak 1 Desember 2022.

MHIESA telah berdiri di Singapura sejak tahun 1981 dan merupakan bagian dari Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group. Melalui komitmen globalnya untuk pengembangan dari teknologi dan mesin, MHI Group menjadi produsen terdepan dari generator mesin diesel dan mesin gas. yang berkualitas, andal, dan berperfroma tinggi. Dengan menyediakan genset Mitsubishi Generator Series “MGS” ke pasar Asia-Pasifik & Timur Tengah, MHI Group menyediakan sumber daya dengan infrastruktur yang fundamental yang berkomitmen untuk meraih kepercayaan dari para pelanggannya dan menawarkan portfolio yang andal. Bekerja sama dengan jaringannya yang luas serta mitra-mitra yang handal, MHI Group menerapkan pendekatan ahli untuk menciptakan produk unggulan dan berbagai solusi praktis.

Navigat Energy adalah perusahaan penyedia jasa gas-to-power terdepan di Asia Tenggara yang menyediakan jasa desain, instalasi, operasi dan pemeliharaan untuk pembangkit listrik mesin gas di berbagai industri baik swasta maupun milik pemerintah di seluruh dan di luar Indonesia serta pasar lainnya di Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya. Sebagai anak perusahaan dari Maxpower Group, Navigat Energy menyediakan daya yang bersih, efisien, dan terjangkau ke daerah terpencil yang mengalami kekurangan pasokan Listrik di Indonesia. Navigat Energy telah melayani wilayah-wilayah ini sejak tahun 2003 dengan menyediakan jasa instalasi, pemeliharaan dan layanan purna jual untuk mesin gas dengan total daya yang terpasang lebih dari 1.000 MW.

Melalui kerjasama ini, MHIESA dan Navigat Energy akan mengembangkan pemasaran produk-produk Genset Gas Mitsubishi dengan keunggulan kompetitif yg dimilikinya. Pemasaran produk Genset Gas Mitsubishi ini, akan mentargetkan beberapa industry strategis seperti kawasan industri, pusat data, biogas, pertambangan dan industry lainnya. Untuk memastikan keberlangsungan operasi mesin gas ini, Navigat Energy dan MHIESA berkomitmen untuk pelayanan purna jual dan penjualan spare part.