Event & Announcement
Knowledge Sharing : Nurturing HSES Management System : Behaviour Based System

Knowledge Sharing : Nurturing HSES Management System : Behaviour Based System

Friday, 18 December 2020 / Knowledge Sharing this time with theme “Nurturing HSES Management System: Behavior Based System” with speaker Daeng Caca Rusdianto, HSES Deputy Manager of Maxpower Group. This session was held online on Friday, December 11, 2020 at 09.00 WIB assisted by the moderator and MC, Anggi Retno Sarilita Yuantari as the Recruitment & Training Specialist of Maxpower Group.

On previous HSES training was about “General HSES”, this time it was explained about Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) which is a process of identifying and choosing safe rather than unsafe behaviour. BBS looks at how these three things interact to improve safety, namely people, behaviour and work environment. In implementing this BBS, all levels of workers in the company and management need cooperation because behaviour is an indicator of a fundamental problem which will eventually lead to all fatality.


Therefore, the principles of Behaviour Based Safety are needed, namely:

  1. Behaviour – which is the cause of the accident
  2. Observation – Measurement – Manage
  3. Feedback – very important for improvement
  4. Consequences -motivate to behave safely
  5. Communication – is key
  6. A participation – creates a possession
  7. Continuous Improvement – occurs when working together
  8. Being proactive – rather than being reactive


Knowledge Sharing sessions will be held regularly, every once in a week with fun and educational themes!

Jumat, 18 Desember 2020/ Knowledge Sharing kali ini dengan tema “Nurturing HSES Management System : Behaviour Based System” dengan pembicara Daeng Caca Rusdianto, HSES Deputy Manager of Maxpower Group. Sesi ini diselenggarakan secara daring pada hari Jumat, 11 Desember 2020 pada pukul 09.00 WIB dibantu oleh moderator sekaligus MC yaitu Anggi Retno Sarilita Yuantari selaku Recruitment & Training Specialist Maxpower Group.

Pada sesi lanjutan dari training HSES sebelumnya mengenai “General HSES”, kali ini dijelaskan mengenai Behavior Based Safety (BBS) yang adalah sebuah proses dalam mengidentifikasi dan memilih perilaku yang aman daripada tidak aman. BBS melihat bagaimana tiga hal ini berinteraksi untuk meningkatkan keselamatan, yaitu orang, perilaku dan lingkungan kerja. Dalam penerapan BBS ini butuh kerjasama semua level pekerja di perusahaan dan manajemen karena perilaku merupakan indicator dari masalah mendasar yang pada akhirnya akan mengarah kepada semua fatality.

Maka dari itu diperlukan prinsip dari Behavior Based Safety, yaitu :

  1. Perilaku – yang merupakan penyebab kecelakaan
  2. Observasi – Pengukuran – Mengelola
  3. Feedback – sangat penting untuk suatu perbaikan
  4. Konsekuensi -memotivasi untuk berperilaku aman
  5. Komunikasi – adalah kunci
  6. Suatu partispasi – menciptakan suatu kepemilikan
  7. Continuous Improvement – terjadi saat bekerja sama
  8. Menjadi proaktif– daripada menjadi reaktif

Knowledge Sharing rutin diselenggarakan secara rutin, setiap 1 (satu) minggu sekali dengan tema-tema yang fun dan juga tentu edukatif!