Event & Announcement

Business Development Senior Manager Maxpower Group, Bayu Wisnu Aji participated as a speaker at KALIBRASI 2022 (Telkom University)
Jakarta, 3 September 2022/ Business Development Senior Manager of Maxpower Group, Bayu Wisnu Aji being requested to be participated as a speaker at KALIBRASI 2022 event organized by the Physics Engineering Student Association of Telkom University with theme “Indentify and comprehend on electric power” which was held online at Saturday, 3rd September 2022.
In this event, Bayu explained for further about the basics and concepts of Electricity to students majoring in Physics Engineering, Telkom University. Short brief explanation about Maxpower was also presented, so that they could know the core business run by Maxpower. Hopefully that by participating in this session, students can understand and increase their knowledge needed in corporate world as well as explore their potential to be useful for the country and nation.
Jakarta, 3 September 2022/ Senior Manajer Pengembangan Bisnis maxpower Group, Bayu Wisnu Aji mendapatkan undangan untuk berpartisipasi menjadi pembicara dalam acara KALIBRASI 2022 yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Fisika Universitas Telkom dengan tema “Mengenal dan memahami tenaga Listrik” yang diselenggarakan secara daring pada hari Sabtu, 3 September 2022.
Dalam acara ini, Bayu menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai dasar-dasar serta konsep Ketenagalistrikan kepada para mahasiswa jurusan Teknik fisika, Universitas Telkom. Penjelasan mengenai Maxpower pun dipaparkan, agar para mahasiswa dapat mengetahui core business yang dijalankan oleh Maxpower. Harapannya dengan mengikuti sesi ini, para mahasiswa dapat memahami dan menambah pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan di dunia kerja, serta dapat menggali potensi-potensi diri agar bermanfaat bagi nusa & bangsa.