Knowledge Sharing : Power Plant with Gas Engine Basic Knowledge

Thursday, 19 November 2020 / Knowledge Sharing this time with theme “Power Plant with Gas Engine Basic Knowledge” with speaker Suprih Kundartono, Head of Technical Development Maxpower Group. This session was held online on Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 09.00 WIB assisted by the moderator as well as the MC, Mrs. Anggi Retno Sarilita Yuantari as the Recruitment & Training Specialist of Maxpower Group.
This session aims to provide employees with basic knowledge about electricity & gas-engine, which are the company’s core business. In detail, the speaker first explains what electricity is? How electricity is generated and can be consumed by the community and its benefits. The speaker also explained about classification of existing energy sources:
- Primary non-renewable (fossil) energy sources, such as
- Coal
- Gas
- Fuel / HSD (High Speed Diesel) / MFO (Marine Fuel Oil) / Solar.
- Renewable primary energy sources (non-fossil), such as
- Water
- Geothermal
- Surya (Sun)
- Bayu (Wind)
- Ocean (Sea Water)
- New renewable energy sources (non-fossil), such as
- Biodiesel
- Biometanol
- Biomass
The speaker then explained about the electricity system, about how electricity generated from energy sources can be enjoyed by the community. After the basic understanding has been explained to the participants, the speaker then explained about the energy source used by Maxpower and the machines used to produce electricity, “Innio Jenbacher Gas Engine”.
Knowledge Sharing is regularly held by the Human Capital Department of Maxpower Group every once a week with fun and educational themes!
Kamis, 19 November 2020/ Knowledge Sharing kali ini dengan tema “Power Plant with Gas Engine Basic Knowledge” dengan pembicara Suprih Kundartono, Head of Technical Development Maxpower Group. Sesi ini diselenggarakan secara daring pada hari Kamis, 19 November 2020 pada pukul 09.00 WIB dibantu oleh moderator sekaligus MC yaitu Ibu Anggi Retno Sarilita Yuantari selaku Recruitment & Training Specialist Maxpower Group.
Sesi ini bertujuan agar karyawan mendapat pengetahuan mendasar mengenai kelistrikan & gas-engine yang merupakan core business perusahaan. Secara mendetil pembicara menjelaskan dulu mengenai apa itu Listrik? Bagaimana Listrik dihasilkan dan bisa sampai dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat serta manfaatnya. Pembicara juga diajak untuk mengetahui klasifikasi dari sumber-sumber energi yang ada :
- Sumber energi primer tak terbarukan (fosil), seperti
- Batubara
- Gas
- BBM/ HSD (High Speed Diesel)/ MFO (Marine Fuel Oil)/ Solar
- Sumber energi primer terbarukan (non fosil), seperti
- Air
- Panas Bumi
- Surya (Matahari)
- Bayu (Angin)
- Samudera (Air Laut)
- Sumber energi baru terbarukan (non fosil), seperti
- Biodiesel
- Biometanol
- Biomassa
Pembicara kemudian menjelaskan mengenai sistem ketenagalistrikan, tentang bagaimana Listrik yang dihasilkan dari sumber energi bisa dinikmati oleh masyarakat. Setelah pemahaman dasar telah dijelaskan kepada peserta, pembicara kemudian menjelaskan mengenai sumber energi yang digunakan oleh Maxpower serta mesin-mesin yang digunakan untuk memproduksi Listrik tersebut yaitu Innio Jenbacher Gas Engine.
Knowledge Sharing secara rutin diselenggarakan oleh tim Human Capital Maxpower Group setiap 1 (satu) minggu sekali dengan tema-tema yang fun dan juga tentu edukatif!