Event & Announcement
Maxpower Group & Navigat Energy Indonesia at IEECCE (Indonesia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Conference & Exhibition) 2021

Maxpower Group & Navigat Energy Indonesia at IEECCE (Indonesia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Conference & Exhibition) 2021

Friday, 18 June 2021/ Maxpower Group & Navigat Energy Indonesia (NEI) participated in the 2021 IEECCE (Indonesia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Conference & Exhibition) event which took place for 4 days from 14 -17 June 2021, with the theme “Responding to the Global Energy Transition” and respond more specifically to “Decarbonization of the Mobility Sector”.

The main agenda, which will be discussed at the International Conference, discusses current issues regarding national and global efforts in transitioning the use of conventional energy towards the use of clean and sustainable energy in the main sectors of the economic system (Industry, mobility, buildings and households). Specifically, this time the conference discussed important issues related to decarbonization efforts in the mobility/transportation sector.

In this event, Maxpower Group & NEI participated in Virtual Exhibitions, Business Meetings and One to One (matching), which was attended by around 30 foreign companies that introduced technology and innovation in the field of improving energy efficiency in various fields. The exhibition is open for 24 hours for 4 (four) full days, so that it is visited by approximately 1000 domestic and foreign enthusiasts who are in various time zones in the world.

In this event, Maxpower Group CEO, Fazil Erwin Alfitri and CBDO Maxpower Group, Gatot S. Prawiro also participated as speaker & moderator in the International Conference which of course was held in a virtual format which was expected without reducing the effectiveness of the entire event.

The hope of Maxpower Group & NEI by participating in this event is to be able to help contribute and encourage efforts to improve energy efficiency and clean energy development in order to answer the challenges of the global energy transition towards the use of clean energy for sustainable development in Indonesia.

Jumat, 18 Juni 2021/ Maxpower Group & Navigat Energy Indonesia (NEI) berpartisipasi dalam acara IEECCE (Indonesia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Conference & Exhibition) 2021 yang berlangsung selama 4 hari dari tanggal 14 -17 Juni 2021, yang mengambil tema “Responding to the Global Energy Transition” (Menanggapi Transisi Energi Global) dan merespon lebih spesifik pada “Decarbonization of the Mobility Sector” (Dekarbonisasi Sektor Mobilitas).

Agenda utama yang akan dibahas dalam Internasional Conference, membahas isu-isu mutahir tentang upaya nasional dan global dalam melakukan transisi pemanfaatan energi konvensional menuju pemanfaatan energi bersih dan berkelanjutan di sektor-sektor utama sistem perekonomian (Industri, mobilitas, gedung dan rumah tangga). Secara spesifik kali ini conference membahas isu-isu penting terkait upaya dekarbonisasi di sektor mobilitas/transportasi.

Dalam event ini, Maxpower Group & NEI berpartisipasi dalam Virtual Exhibitions, Business Meeting dan One to One (matching), yang diikuti oleh sekitar 30 perusahaan manca negara yang memperkenalkan teknologi dan inovasi dalam bidang peningkatan efisiensi energi di berbagai bidang. Exhibition dibuka selama 24 jam selama 4 (empat) hari penuh, sehingga dikunjungi oleh sekitar kurang lebih 1000 orang peminat di dalam negeri maupun manca negara yang berada di berbagai zona waktu di dunia.

Dalam acara ini, CEO Maxpower Group, Fazil Erwin Alfitri dan CBDO Maxpower Group, Gatot S. Prawiro juga turut berpartisipasi menjadi pengisi acara dalam International Conference yang tentunya diselenggarakan dalam format virtual yang diharapkan tanpa mengurangi efektivitas seluruh acara.

Harapan Maxpower Group & NEI dengan mengikuti event ini adalah untuk dapat membantu memberikan sumbangan dan dorongan pada upaya peningkatan efisiensi energi dan pengembangan energi bersih dalam rangka menjawab tantangan transisi energi global menuju pemanfaatan energi bersih (clean energy) untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia.