Opening Meeting Certification ISO 37001:2016

Jakarta, 6 December 2021/ As a form of the Implementation of Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) to achieve ISO 37001:2016 Certification at Maxpower Group, the first stage of the certification process was held on Monday, 6 December 2021. The objective of this activity is to support the principles of Good Corporate Governance in the company.
The Opening Meeting Certification ISO 37001:2016 was conducted online and organized by the Project Team consisting of Internal Audit & Quality Management Department, Corporate Communication & Compliance Department and the company’s Management Representative. On this occasion, the board of directors were also present, such as Fazil E. Alfitri as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Maxpower Group and Arie Wibisono as Chief Legal & Administration Officer (CLAO) of Maxpower Group. Furthermore, Fazil E. Alfitri said “Hopefully Maxpower Group can continue to make improvements in every line of the company, as well as good corporate culture so that Maxpower Group could become a global ethical power company. And I hope that this improvement will not only be a lip-service, but also really become a culture throughout the company.” Through this process, Maxpower Group (PT Maxpower Indonesia and PT Navigat Energy Indonesia) is collaborating with the Certification Institution “SAI Global” to implement the stages of ABMS process and ISO 37001:2016 certification.
It is hoped that with the implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS), would become a big step for companies and employees to be able to support the Good Corporate Governance Movement, and perform company business activities that prioritize compliance as well as internal policies, laws and regulations.
Jakarta, 6 Desember 2021/ Sebagai bentuk Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan (SMAP) pada Maxpower Group untuk pencapaian Sertifikasi ISO 37001:2016, pada hari Senin, 6 Desember 2021 telah dilakukan Opening Meeting Certification ISO 37001:2016 tahap pertama proses sertifikasi yang merupakan bentuk Implementasi dari Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan pada Maxpower Group dalam rangka penerapan prinsip – prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) di perusahaan.
Opening Meeting Certification ISO 37001:2016 ini dilakukan secara daring dan diselenggarakan oleh Team Project yang terdiri dari Department Internal Audit & Quality Management, Department Corporate Communication & Compliance dan Management Representative perusahaan. Pada kesempatan ini jajaran direksi juga turut hadir, antara lain Fazil E. Alfitri selaku Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Maxpower Group, Arie Wibisono selaku Chief Legal & Administration Officer (CLAO) Maxpower Group. Dalam kesempatannya CEO Maxpower Group, Fazil E. Alfitri mengatakan “Semoga Maxpower Group dapat terus meningkatkan perbaikan-perbaikan di setiap lini perusahan, seperti improvement pada culture sehingga perusahaan ini dapat menjadi perusahaan power beretika global. Dan semoga improvement ini tidak hanya lip service, tetapi juga benar-benar menjadi suatu culture di perusahaan”. Dengan ini Maxpower Group (PT Maxpower Indonesia dan PT Navigat Energy Indonesia) bekerja sama dengan Badan Sertifikasi yaitu SAI Global untuk melakukan tahapan proses sertifikasi penerapan SMAP dan Sertifikasi ISO 37001:2016.
Harapan dengan dapat di implementasikannya Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan (SMAP), adalah sebagai langkah untuk perusahaan dan karyawan untuk dapat mendukung Gerakan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha perusahaan yang mengedepankan kepatuhan terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan internal serta peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta semoga sehingga tercapainya Sertifikasi ISO 37001:2016 di Maxpower Group.