Event & Announcement

Batam, 7 th April 2022/ Located in the city of Batam, has been signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PT. Maxpower Indonesia (MPI) with INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG regarding the Synergistic Development Cooperation to Support Maxpower’s Electricity Procurement for Nongsa Digital Park with Jenbacher 920 technology. This agreement was signed by Fazil Erwin Alfitri as Chief Executive Officer of Maxpower Group, with Carsten Dommermuth as Director Asia Pacific INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG.
The signing purpose of this agreement is to provide effective benefits and mutually beneficial products for both parties. With INNIO’s support, hopefully MPI can develop both in terms of technology, training, installation, simulation, products, spare parts availability to providing support in Export Credit Agency financing.
Hopefully INNIO’s collaboration with MPI will complement each other both in terms of exchanging information, research results and applications for INNIO and the possibility of empowering the best technology in the project portfolio and its installations.
Batam, 7 April 2022/ Telah ditanda tangani Nota Kesepahaman antara PT. Maxpower Indonesia (MPI) dengan INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG mengenai Kerjasama Pengembangan Sinergis Mendukung Pengadaan Listrik Maxpower untuk Nongsa Digital Park dengan teknologi Jenbacher 920. Nota kesepahaman ini di tandatangani oleh Fazil Erwin Alfitri selaku Chief Executive Officer Maxpower Group, dengan Carsten Dommermuth selaku Director Asia Pacific INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG.
Tujuan dari ditandatanganinya kerjasama ini adalah untuk memberikan manfaat tepat guna dan produk yang saling menguntungkan bagi kedua belah pihak. Dengan dukungan INNIO, diharapkan MPI dapat berkembang baik dari sisi teknologi, pelatihan, instalasi, simulasi, produk, kesediaan suku cadang hingga pemberian dukungan dalam pembiayaan Export Credit Agency.
Harapannya kolaborasi INNIO bersama MPI dapat saling melengkapi baik dari sisi pertukaran informasi, hasil penelitian dan terapan bagi INNIO dan tidak menutup kemungkinan terhadap pemberdayaan teknologi terbaik dalam portfolio projek dan instalasinya.