Inhouse asset Training PT.MCB Baloi

Batam, 9 June 2022/ PT. Maxpower Cogindo Batam (MCB) jointly with Proteksindo held an Inhouse Asset Training on 8 – 9 June 2022, at Four Points By Sheraton Batam. The purpose of holding this training is to give insights and education about PLTMG Baloi asset insurance. This event was attended by MCB staff and employees in Baloi area.
On behalf of board of directors & management, this training activity was opened by Noor Wahyu Hidayat, as Commissioner of MCB and also presented speakers Primo Fortasiano, Mech.Eng, CIIB / Technical and Marketing Director of PT Proteksindo Insurance Broker. The highlight materials from this training such as the Basic Principles of Broker, Risk and Insurance, Property All Risk & Earthquake Insurance, Machinery Breakdown Insurance, Liability, and Claim Procedure.
In this session, there were also 2 (two) participants who won the quiz and received a Personal Accident insurance policy worth IDR 10,000,000 from Proteksindo. It is hoped that from holding this activity, MCB employees and staff are able to understand the stages of implementing effective asset management within the company, hence the assets owned by the company can be managed efficiently and effectively to achieve optimum productivity throughout the asset life cycle.
Batam, 9 Juni 2022/ PT. Maxpower Cogindo Batam (MCB) bersama dengan Proteksindo menyelenggarakan Inhouse Asset Training pada tanggal 8 – 9 Juni 2022, bertempat di Four Points By Sheraton Batam. Tujuan dari diselenggarakannya kegiatan ini adalah untuk menambah wawasan dan edukasi mengenai asset insurance PLTMG Baloi. Acara ini dihadiri oleh staf dan karyawan MCB area Baloi.
Mewakili direksi dan management MCB, kegiatan training ini dibuka oleh Noor Wahyu Hidayat, selaku Komisaris MCB dan juga menghadirkan pembicara Primo Fortasiano, Mech.Eng, CIIB /Technical and Marketing Director PT Proteksindo Insurance Broker. Secara garis besar materi yang diberikan adalah Basic Principles of Broker, Risk and Insurance, Property All Risk & Earthquake Insurance, Machinery Breakdown Insurance, Liability, dan Claim Procedure.
Dalam sesi ini peserta juga terdapat 2 (dua) peserta yang berhasil memenangkan kuis, dan mendapatkan polis asuransi Personal Accident sebesar IDR.10.000.000 dari Proteksindo. Harapannya dari diselenggarakannya kegiatan ini adalah karyawan dan staf MCB mampu memahami tahapan implementasi manajemen asset yang efektif dalam perusahaan sehingga aset yang dimiliki perusahaan dapat dikelola secara efisien dan tepat guna dan kemudian tercapai produktifitas optimum seluruh siklus hidup aset.