Maxpower Group and Affiliates Distribute Qurban in Commemoration of Eid al-Adha 1444 H as part of CSR Activities

[Thursday, June 29, 2023] – In commemoration of the Eid al-Adha 1444 H, which falls on Thursday, June 29, 2023, the management of Maxpower Group and its affiliates; Maxpower Indonesia, Navigat Energy Indonesia, Maxpower Cogindo Batam, and Tanjung Jabung Power, have performed Qurban by distributing livestock animals to all Maxpower sites and affiliates as part of the company’s Corporate Social […]

Maxpower Cogindo Batam Participated with PLN Batam in Mangrove Planting and Beach Cleanup to commemorate World Environment Day 2023

Previous Next [Batam, Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) – June 19, 2023] – Maxpower Cogindo Batam, a joint venture company between PT Maxpower Indonesia and PT Cogindo DayaBersama, proudly participated in a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative organized by PT PLN Batam. The event involved the planting of 500 mangrove seedlings and a beach cleanup along the coast of the Kampung Terih Tourism […]

Maxpower Group Christmas Celebration & CSR 2021

Previous Next Friday, December 17, 2021/ Welcoming the 2021 Christmas and New Year 2022 celebrations, Maxpower Group presents a Christmas celebration event which is held as a form of gratitude that we could still celebrate Christmas virtually together even though it is still held virtually as a form of prevention from the potential spread of COVID-19. In this celebration, together […]

Maxpower Group donation for Isra Mi’raj 2021

Previous Next Thursday, March 11, 2021 / In commemoration of Isra Mi’raj (27 Rajab 1442 H) which falls on Thursday, March 11, 2021, Maxpower Group organizes Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) activities by distributing aid to residents who live around the Maxpower Group site-plant area. This CSR activity aims to have a positive impact on the community around the site-plant area […]

Covid-19 Assistance Program for Task Force Team (Volunteer), Pematang Lumut Village, Tanjung Jabung, Jambi

Wednesday, 9 September 2020 / Maxpower Group has provided “Covid-19 Assistance Program for Task Force Team (Volunteer), Pematang Lumut Village, Kuala Tungkal, Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi Province”. The assistance given on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 to the COVID-19 Task Force, in the form of a donation of accommodation and transportation costs worth to IDR 1,000,000. This assistance program is one […]

Maxpower Idul Adha 2020

Previous Next Friday, 31 July 2020 / Maxpower Group remains committed to celebrating Eid al-Adha 1441 H, in the middle of Covid-19 Pandemic. With health & safety protocol Maxpower Group delivered 1 (one) goat for each site for sacrificial animal to be distributed to people in Balaipungut village which is located in the Duri site-plant, the capital of Mandau sub-district, […]

Ramadhan Kareem 2020

Previous Next May 2020 / In the month of Ramadhan 2020 Maxpower Group organized “Ramadhan Kareem” program, which is one (1) of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities that routinely held every year. This program is a manifestation of the company’s concern for employees and residents who live in site-plant area. CSR activity includes the distribution of food packages at […]

“Sapa Sodara” Program, Ramadan 2020

Previous Next May 2020 / Maxpower Group held the “Sapa Sodara” program, which is an on-air program routinely held during the Ramadhan 2020. This program aims to see and control the conditions of Maxpower Group workers at the plant sites. Routinely & in turn, the Human Capital team & Board of Directors of Maxpower Group greet them who are fasting […]